Episode 64 - Dougald Hine - At Work in the Ruins

Dougald is co-founder of The Dark Mountain Project.

Co-host of The Great Humbling podcast.

Co-founder of a School called Home in Sweden where he lives with his partner and son.

And Author of new book ‘At Work in the Ruins’ - the focus of this conversation.

In this book Dougald is opening up vital spaces for different types of questions, conversations and invitations to be considered and explored as we face into the unravelling mystery of these times - times of endings.

‘At Work in the Ruins’ is a gift for this moment for those who know intuitively in their heart and gut that many things from 'modernity' need to end.

Now is a time for humility and creative courage, for letting go of stories, ideas, behaviours and systems that no longer serve life and crossing a threshold into imagining what could be and becoming the change.

We highly recommend this book.

Available everywhere you get your podcasts

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EP 63 - Becoming Crew -Mark Sears and Evva Semenowicz - Trust, thresholds and navigating the mystery