Episode 58 - Felipe Viveros - Survival of the Beautiful

Felipe Viveros is a British-Chilean writer, independent researcher, artist and strategist. His work focuses on the intersection of on-line organizing, digital storytelling, policy and systems change.

He has worked with governments and organisations globally, served as the chair of The Rules, and acted as the European representative of the GNH Centre Bhutan. Felipe is a fellow of Bertha Foundation, a member of the UN Harmony with Nature initiative and a commissioner for the Sacred Headwaters Initiative, always championing epistemic justice, social justice and indigenous people’s rights.

Join Dan and Felipe discuss: 


- From living under a dictatorship to learning from intentional and holistic indigenous communities

- Why do we continue to theorise human’s over-consumption when the solution is simple; connection


- Moving beyond the binary and holding various perspectives with compassion

- Culture hacking. Narrative change. Myth. Visions. Metaphors. The power of story and imagination


- The greater awareness of privilege and how it’s built upon other’s oppression 


- How supply chains are becoming more transparent and there’s nowhere to hide


- Making reparations and creating new systems in our own neighborhoods. 


- Choose Earth. Resourcing and supporting courageous and loving indigenous communities who continue to stand in resistance on the front line


- Change will come. The operating system is outdated. The answer is to build bridges. Not walls 


- Deal with uncertainty by building closer connections


Community and Links 


Felipe Viveros  - https://www.instagram.com/nawelcura

Choose Earth - https://www.chooseearth.co

Nick Mulvey - https://www.nickmulvey.com/



The Rules - https://therules.org

Yes Magazine - https://www.yesmagazine.org

Whose Knowledge - https://whoseknowledge.org

Culture Hack Labs - https://www.culturehack.io

Bertha Foundation - https://berthafoundation.org

GNH Centre Bhutan-  https://www.gnhcentrebhutan.org

Harmony with Nature UN - http://www.harmonywithnatureun.org

Sacred Headwaters - https://sacredheadwaters.org



The Great Hack

Social Dilemma 



Program or be Programmed - https://www.orbooks.com/catalog/program/


Jason Hickel - https://www.jasonhickel.org/about

Douglas Rushkoff - https://rushkoff.com

Bruce Parry - https://www.bruceparry.com

Nick Mulvey - https://www.nickmulvey.com
Sarah van Gelder 

Anasuya Sengupta 



Twitter: @storiesforlife_

Web: http://stories.life
Newsletter: https://stories.life/newsletter/
Email: hello@stories.life

Play Out Track:

Nick Mulvey

In the Anthropocene ( Elder Brother remix)




Thanks for listening to The Spaceship Earth Podcast.


Host: Dan Burgess @dansolo__

Edit: Charlie Shread

Shownotes: Vicki Turner

Music: Escape Goat by Soren Lorenson

Join us on Instagram: @thespaceship.earth

Subscribe to monthly newsletter: https://becomingcrew.substack.com/welcome


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Episode 59 - Nadeem Perera - Flock Together - Return to the Source of Love


Bonus Episode 57 - The Impossible Train Story - Moral Imaginations