Episode 37 - Josie Tucker & Richard Ashton - Adapt Climate Club - Laughing our way into action

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In this episode I’m in conversation with Josie Tucker and Richard Ashton founders of Adapt. Adapt is a climate club and creative organisation, using design, humour and contemporary culture to communicate climate issues in a new way. Adapt was created to share knowledge, encourage action and build a community of motivated activists. Josie and Rich are two creatives and climate activists. They were listed as one of the British Councils 10 emerging designers of 2019.
Recorded in June during the easing of lockdown this conversation explores their journey to forming Adapt, their interest in working with humour as a way of engaging people with climate breakdown and action. We riff on their work, how they work together and highlights from events and exhibitions to climate speed dating experiments. We reflect on the pandemic and what it might mean for climate action, the intersectional crises of racial injustice, inequality and climate and ecological breakdown. We explore what’s been experienced during lockdown when it comes to climate action and living with lighter impacts on the planet. We talk about climate grief and the role of humour in helping people let go of old worldviews and ideas. These two are incredible committed humans and prolific creators dedicated to serving our home planet and the future - check out their work and get involved - enjoy!



Episode 38 - Georgina Wilson-Powell - Pebble MAgazine - Everyday Activism


Episode 36 - Cassie Robinson - On collective imagination, death and designing for social justice