Episode 14 - Jaz O'Hara - The WorldWide Tribe


In this episode I chat with Jaz O’Hara founder of the WorldWide Tribe. Jaz’s story is extraordinary. In my opinion she represents the best of what it means to be human in 2019 and her work is a total inspiration . Her story started in the summer of 2015 in the UK, by following her heart and acting on a curiosity to really understand what was happening with the refugee crisis on the UK/French border in Calais. Much of the mainstream British media had been creating an atmosphere of fear and suspicion, Jaz and her brother wanted to hear the real human stories, why were these people risking their lives to get to Britain? They decided to head to Calais to find out, the rest as they say is history. This is a story of inspiration, intuition, human-ness, radical doing, creativity, leaning into uncertainty, of the positive power of the social web, of human kindness, of changing the way we see and think about issues we don’t properly understand and taking action about things we care about to make a more beautiful world. This is epic. Enjoy!

Show notes:







Who Are the Worldwide Tribe

Jungala -Life in the Jungle refugee camp

Lotus Flower - Don’t Bulldoze the Jungle

The End of the Jungle

Dan Burgess