Episode 5 - Dan Burgess - Watery

Live from a beach in Nicaragua - another experiment in spontaneous planetary riffing - I share a slightly cosmic podcast connection story, the practices of spontaneity, openness and generosity as life centered - then with a nod to World Water Day - explore our connection to the ocean, the power of water to heal and make us feel good, our dependence on the ocean to support the life giving systems of the Spaceship Earth, eating rice and beans every day and more.

Show notes

The magic Millz and his genius podcast and how my podcast met his - meta

Blue Mind - great book and growing movement on the benefits of being near water

Sylvia Earle - marine biologist and ocean legend

Rice and beans (gallo pinto)

'Lost at Sea' - The Egg


Episode 6 - Chrissy Levett - Creative Conscience


Episode 4 - Dan Burgess - Into the Woods