We live on a life-giving rock called Earth, hurtling through Space


Welcome to the Spaceship Earth

We host deep conversations through our podcast exploring Earth-centric cultures.

We guide action learning courses On-land and On-line through becoming crew

We offer advisory services to organisations and projects committed to growing regenerative futures

Re-entangling with Earth

Becoming crew on Spaceship Earth.

The only true and effective “operator’s manual for spaceship earth” is not a book that any human will ever write; it is hundreds of thousands of local cultures.
— Wendell Berry

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#thespaceshipearthpodcast #becomingcrew

Earth-centricity views humans as of the Earth, part of nature, not apart from nature, as living beings entangled with all life and therefore centres interdependence, relationality, care, kinship, reciprocity and the interconnectedness between humans and  more-than-human nature as foundational principles for ways of living, working, organising, creating and decision-making.